Feel free to contact Greenham Kawasaki at any time to request more information about the dealership and the services we have to offer. You can reach us by phone at 01635 916464, or by filling in the form below.

Required fields are marked with a *

Please be assured your information will be treated with the utmost care and we never pass on or sell your details. We take your privacy very seriously and will only use the information sent to us for our own business purposes.

Our Address

Greenham Kawasaki
35 Lindenmuth Way
Greenham Business Park
RG19 6HW

Tel: 01635 916464

Plan Your Route

Opening Hours

8:30am to 5:30pm
8:30am to 5:00pm

  • Kalc MPU
  • Klipboard MPU
  • Kawasaki Rider Training Services
  • Club Kawasaki MPU

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Greenham Kawasaki has received your enquiry and will get back to you shortly.
